Saturday, December 04, 2010

Peter Budaj: Training camp

Zacnime od Petra Budaja s jeho postrehmi z tohorocneho treningoveho tabora a vyhliadkami na sezonu.

Prekvapenie, ze ho Avalanche opat podpisali neskryval. Treningovy tabor sa zacal na jeho 28. narodeniny... Navyse Petrovi a jeho manzelke Taylor sa koncom jula narodil syn Peter Graham a hrdy tatino ma teraz uz aj ine myslienky nez je len hokej.
Bude tato sezona pre sympatickeho a skromneho banskobystrickeho rodaka lepsia nez ta minula? (samozrejme, ze z doterajsieho diania je to uz jasne...)


2010-11 Season: Playing catch-up

This bugger needs an update!

What to say, i'm miserably late to the party. Have been busy at the paper and of course have some new stuff for all of you. Of course.
Things are a bit hectic around here - if that works as an excuse - an only now we have a bit of time to start catching up with the 'new' season as it enters its second quarter.
So over next few days we'll hang some new vids up here.

Patrik Berglund wears one of these under his jersey
