After this morning practice Peter Budaj expressed his interest to represent Slovakia at the IIHF world ice hockey championships in Switzerland. He said that he still needs to talk to Slovak GM Peter Bondra in next few days and iron out all the logistics and with his agent regarding his contract/no contract and the issues that linger from that scenario. Budaj also mentioned, that there is still eight games left in regular season, so for now he's focusing to finish that on good note... (video in Slovak - i'll upload it later today, once the paper i write for has a chance to nibble on it first)
Po stvrtkovom rannom treningu v Pepsi Centre, som sa spytal slovenskeho brankara Petra Budaja na jeho moznu ucast na MS vo Svajciarsku. Peter vyjadril svoju ochotu a zaujem pripojit sa po skonceni zakladnej casti NHL ku slovenskej reprezentacii. Avsak, musi este prediskutovat celu logistiku a jeho konciaci sa kontrakt s jeho agentom i generalnym manazerom reprezentacie, Petrom Bondrom.
On the way out i saw a sad looking Paul Stastny limping out of The PepsiCan in a walking cast and we exchanged looks, nodded our heads, jojed a bit in Slovak ... He remains positive about all this injury crap that haunts him this season. Too bad, he was not able to get his 200th NHL game played this year (seven short), but he'll have hundreds more over next decade or so. Right?
I saw that the boys from EUROLANCHE are heavy all over this rag, so i'm sending my greetings of Ahoj, Nazdar, Čau, Hello, Zdravstvujte to all who come here to see the vids.
And, after last week's beautiful weather and temps pushing 70F, trees and all kinds of shrubbery blooming, we got dumped on today. Got 24 cm/2 feet of snow Thursday! Hey, got to love it. (i'll post some pics later, once i get all that snow scraped off our driveway) That's Colorado for ya, baby!
Prve (kratke) video je nepublikovane, to druhe exkluzivne pre hokej.sme.sk
SME video
Nove video: Budaj - 3. cast
posted April 1., 2009
original Slovak mix
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